Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bye Bye Plus Size Barbie

Well... Well... Well... it has been way long since I have posted to this "blogworld" but things have calmed down tons in the Napier household and I am back in the game :) However, I have been a faithful reader of all of my favorite blogs in my absence of post! (just wanted to throw that in there.) Anyways, if you know anything about me, you know that I am extremely hard on myself and have low self esteem which has stemed from weight 40lbs heavier now than before I had my two beautiful babies and underwent a hysterectomy. It's hard to be this big ball of flubber (especially when you are married to Mr. Gym GQ himself). I have been the worst yo yo dieter, (well almost the worst I have at least one friend that I can think of that is worse than me but her name will remain unidentified to protect our friendship haha) so after following my friend Danielle's blog ( I have made a committed decision to no longer yo yo diet, but to change my lifestyle. Not only because I am sick of being "plus size barbie" but because i know that my "body is a temple of the holy spirit" and i am sick of feeding it junk and putting myself at higher risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. As a christian, and a nurse, and the wife of Mr. Meathead himself, i know better, and deserve better than what I have been offering. So with the help of Advocare's 24 day challenge (which I will start tuesday) and my new "lifestyle" I am on the road to a more healthy, happy, hotter me!

Here is some proof that I am dedicated. Me and my hot little meat head headed to the grocery store to pick up some new "health" food. I have to admit that I know why americans are fat, we spent 100 dollars on some coconut milk and fruit (and a few other things) where I could have gotten a buggy full of junk food. Its crazy how much more expensive healthy food is, but i kept telling myself my doctor bills will outweight my grocery bill if I dont change things NOW! haha. Here are few of the things we picked up.

I am not very "health food savvy" so I was stumped on this one, I know dairy milk isnt the healthiest, but i didnt know whether to go with coconut, soy, or almond milk so any suggestions on this would be wonderful!
I am lucky that my little diva's love fruit, in the napier household we currently have bananas, strawberries, blackberries, canalope, oranges, cutieis, apples, grapes, not to mention how many veggies. I hope I train them to live a healthy lifestyle, but im running out of time so I better start now!
Got us some more "shaker" cups because you know you are not technically a "health nut"without some shaker cups.

Made my first "health food"dinner tonight. chicken made with real lemon and pepper sauted in olive oil and sauted squash and baked asparagus. I think this is the first dinner in 26 years that I have eatten that does not contain a lick of butter! Woo hoo! thats more than a baby step, that should be considered a leap! You know us southern girls love our butter!
Anyways, Its late and i know sleep is high on the list of being healthy so I am gonna hit the hay! Lord knows I need my beauty sleep!

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