Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where's the Weekend?

Where is the weekend already? I dont feel like it can get here soon enough! I am such a bum lately but all I want to do is relax and spend time with my family! Don't get me wrong I love my job but I am in a funk and getting out of bed to go to work lately has seemed like the biggest chore ever! I feel like from the time I drop my girls off at daycare I am racing to see how fast I can pick them up because I feel like there is never enough time in the day to spend with them! The bitter sweet thing is that they absolutely LOVE their daycare and they enjoy being there and playing with their friends and so sometimes I feel torn on picking them up early to spend time with me or letting them play those last few moments.
Anyways, this weekend I am on call (blah) but I am hoping that the on call phone wont ring off the wall because in my attempt to be somewhat, "Green Thumbish" I want to work outside and try and plant some greenage and beef up my yard. My fabulous neighbors are always working in their yard and they make mine look like a junk yard. I swear they mow their yard like clock work and they know the day its gonna rain and mow their yard the day before so that it doesnt grow like crazy after a good thunderstorm. I, on the other hand, am not going tto mow prematurely haha. I like to feel accomplished so I choose to wait until i cant see my cankles when I walk through it and then I feel like its time to mow :) I need to get over this and add "Yard work" to that little calender that i dont use haha.

On Wednesdays, I help teach a young girls class at church. This segment of our teaching is on keeping ourselves healthy as a whole because our body is a temple. I think I have benefited from this more than they have. If you saw my previoius blog then you know that I have started this advocare 24 day challenge and I am loving it. Its been a week and although I am refusing to step on the scale until the end of the challenge, I can already see small changes! For one my nails have hit a growth spurt and they are stronger than they have ever been! I also have so much more energy, I dont feel "sluggish" like I have when I was consumed with eating junk and sugary drinks. If anything, this is definitely teaching me a new way of life and I am loving everything about it!

Anyways, before I got off on how awesome Advocare is, I was talking about my Wednesay night church class. Tonight we talked about keeping our minds healthy and not full of junk. and of course what other verse fits better than Phillippians 4:8. When I was talking to the girls I couldnt help but think how clouded we as adults can let our minds get! I have been battling keeping my mind in a good place for awhile. Things go on at work, school, home, and even things that dont effect me directly, but things that might be effecting a coworker who calls to tell me their problems has seemed to be bogging me down. Its so important to train our minds and ourselves to refuse to let the things of the world bog us down and cloud our vision that God has for us. God doesnt intend for me to walk around all day being worried about who is mad at me, or worried about who is talking about me, or worried about what bills have to be paid. He states over and over again that he has good things in store for me and worrying doesnt help anything, therefore I need to remember always what an awesome God we serve and not let the things of this world bog us down!

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