Monday, December 20, 2010

The Gift of Giving...

Since I work nights (Yes I am working right now as I blog... be jealous :) I am always up at 5 am just in time to catch my daily preaching by my all time fave Joyce Meyer. That sister's got soul, a big one, and I love it! She is RRREEAAALLLL! Anyways, This morning as I was watching her, she said something that hit home to me. Quote

"Love wants to give. It doesn't feel put out when its asked to give. It looks for reason to give. When you are giving with a good attitude you are more like God than any other time in your life, because God was a giver!"

This made me smile... I have always said, and will always believe that "giving" is my love language. As a matter of fact, last night when me and the hubs were in walmart I said, "I just love to give" and he said "No, you just love to shop" Why this is not an untrue statement, My statement remains more true. I am a giver. There is nothing that fulfils me more than giving to people. I would stop and give to every hobo/bum on the street (even if I knew they were going to walk to the parking lot across the street and drive off in their lexus after holding up the "Will work for food" sign) its just the fact that once when I was a little girl my gma pearl told me that you must be good to all people because you never know if you are entertaining angels. I hear her tell me that ALL the time. When I see a homeless guy, or a unfortunate kid, or a family member that has thrown all they have away on drugs and alcohol and have nothing because they are constantly starting over... i think.. is this a test... is God placing this person in my life at this time to see where my heart stands?

anyways... i'm off my soap box.

hope you guys have a fabulous week! GET OUT AND BE A BLESSING!

Happy Monday!

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